My first personal blog this month actually needs to take me all the way back to the start of July! To try and minimise boredom (on your part) I've decided to try and merge three blogs I had planned to do in July, into one giant post. With me so far? Good!
Making the most of my brief time up north I also dropped in on my brother and sister in law who very kindly took me to visit my sister. My sister suffers from learning difficulties and now lives in a shared house with other girls who have similar disabilities. I don't get to see her as often as I do my friends and family up north, as unlike them she is not able to visit me in Brighton. This is unless she was accompanied by a carer. So it was nice to spend some time catching up with her. I got to hear all about the cruise she had recently been on with my dad and all of the lovely places they'd visited around the med. As you can see from my holiday snap, I also got to see my cheeky little nephew, which is always a treat for me.
On my way back to Brighton I decided to stop off in London as my favourite cinema there - The Prince Charles Cinema http://www. - was screening one of my all time favourite films since I was little, Labyrinth. Anyone who's previously read my personal blogs will know that this is the second time I'd tried to see Labyrinth at The PCC, but last time I failed as it was sold out. If you would like to read that particular entry go to: Anyway, this time I wasn't leaving anything to chance so I booked Labyrinth tickets for me and my best friend of the south for the showing on the day I got back from Preston. In my excitement I probably didn't factor in much thought about the fact that I would have a massive case with me! But luckily for me the staff at The PCC are as lovely as the place itself and they allowed me to leave my case safely locked away in their store cupboard! Hooray for the lovely people at The PCC! Ditto, if you missed it and want to read my Labyrinth review, go to:
The rest of July was pretty quiet, unless you count the Harry Potter Premiere that I attended on the 7th July. I won't go into detail about that as I wrote a whole separate blog about my Harry Potter Experience ( which goes into a LOT of detail!
I will just say that I spoke to Evanna Lynch (the actress who plays Luna Lovegood), and I got hers and Ralph Fiennes signatures, and it made my day! ;0)
From the 8th July to the 15th July every waking moment (the ones where I wasn't keeping my eyes open with matchsticks whilst at work) was consumed with Mr Potter as I set myself The Potter Challenge.
I went to see every Harry Potter film, from The Philosophers Stone to The Deathly Hallows Part 2, one film per day at the cinema and had to review every film before I saw the next one. I thought at one point (around the time I was reviewing Half Blood Prince) that I might die of a Potter overdose! But now it's all over I find I miss the bespectacled boy wizard. And so I'm now reading the books. I had already read books 1 and 2 before I started my Potterthon but have now read book 3 and am in the midst of book 4 as we speak.
The day after I'd finally finished watching all of the Harry Potter movies, one of my close friends held her hen party. A fun night of drinking, singing, more drinking and dancing. I discovered a new haunt called The Haunt, which plays cheesy 80s tunes every Saturday night, and just generally had a fabulous time.
This then left me with barely a week to recover and sort my flat out before my best friend from the north, her step daughter and another friend, descended upon my tiny one bedroom flat for my Birthday weekend...
...but as it's late and this post is already very long, that will have to wait for another day! ;0)
*Thanks to A-ha for the use of their song title (Seemingly) Nonstop July.
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